It may be decent value, but I'm still baffled by the shitness of highlights.
Not least because of the effort the people in charge of the TV feed go to get coverage of the whole race. Helicopters (multiple for refuelling I imagine) a plane relaying the feed from altitude, loads of motos - Then ES just decide to stick a hastily chopped summary of the last hour and half into an hour - seems rude to me.
Also, the riders got all that dust in their eyes from those motos and then the pictures are only watched by the few lucky enough to be able to skive work and watch it live (he types on work time at 10am).
Even weirder is that their 5 min highlights on youtube
do summarise the first part of the race. Yesterday's does this in just 1 min, and this alone would have provided a useful intro to the hour long "highlights" of the last 30km.
It's not really good enough considering we're paying for this - I take it the GCN stuff is identical?