In good faith i’ll say Your assumption is based on two misreasonings:
1) that all trans people are just MTF, or have male sex organs, trans men also exist and much of , near all of, what trans rights movements call for is equal treatment for trans people, not specifically trans women.
By extension there is a lot of overlap with non binary people, where you’ll have femme thems asking for similar protections with both male and female sex organs which could also be impacted by pushback against trans rights requests.
Now if seeing a trans person as a their identified gender makes you skeptical, this is where it’s important to know and talk to trans people. They’re often painted as “men in dresses” (trans men are never presented, at all), that they’re predators or tricksters (ironically why violence is so high is because men feel tricked into desiring them), but in reality they’re just really depressed and want and to pee in quiet without getting grunted at in the street, or leave the house dressed as who they see themselves as and not fear being called a faggot or beaten up.
2) that trans women are men, they’re not, they’re women, a popular gender critical reasoning to this, up until recently, has been Judith butlers work in which she formulated the idea of spectrum gender and that most of what we perceive as “sex” is actually just gender and a human construct. Typically this is used to argue that ftm’s are just dykes and mtfs are just gays who like dresses.
It was recently-ish butler was like “actually what it means is what’s between your legs is unimportant, arbitrary, most of what we desire for ourselves is actually how we want people to perceive us within this social construct. The idea that a trans man, would have likely always seen themselves as a man, but society would have not, a trans woman would always believe they’re a woman, society would not. It’s the mislabelling and pushing by society, our families, our teachers which causes the dysphoria trans people exhibit. For sake of brevity I will merely allude to the idea that just because trans people are socialised in a different gender does not mean trans women don’t experience male violence, there is a lot of data to back this up but I’m on a forum not my degree!
While biological sex may alter ones appearance, it’s not as Innate or binary as one might assume, so much so we can reverse, for anyone! With simple drugs! Drugs women use when there body stops producing them! And drugs men use when they haven’t got it going! Cis people drugs!
ignoring this hurts women, professional women athletes like caster semenya have to take feminising hormones to compete and Micheal phelps doesn’t. Or how women born without female reproduction organs or unable to conceive are ignored when gender critical discourse latches onto the idea of “bleeding”.
Sure, you’ll hear stuff in the news, maybe you’ll hear some wild stuff from both sides from time to time but honestly, it’s really quite boring when you unpack it!
I really recommend contra points videos if you’re looking for some really rigorous both sides-ism which falls quite quantitively and progressively.
So to answer your questions, none, but trans people are not asking for that, we’re asking to be seen as ourselves, women, men, and although not trans non binary people. It’s why you might receive such hostile responses, because it’s a hostile question, one that’s often used to deceive or divert away from genuine issues trans people want, like previously, healthcare, protection under the law, and right to be themselves.
I’m not going to reply any more, but really, I do urge you, get to know trans people, we’re a good bunch. from your comments you seem to be latching onto a lot of buzz words that trans people roll their eyes at when used, but may use as memes themselves because they’re so bizarre. more often than not, are actually formulated by cis equality bodies looking to appear inclusive or politically correct, to both sides annoyance. Think of how they try to come up with a new word for “poor people” every 5 years. I think getting to know trans people and who they are and what they want would really help show this,
In good faith i’ll say Your assumption is based on two misreasonings:
1) that all trans people are just MTF, or have male sex organs, trans men also exist and much of , near all of, what trans rights movements call for is equal treatment for trans people, not specifically trans women.
By extension there is a lot of overlap with non binary people, where you’ll have femme thems asking for similar protections with both male and female sex organs which could also be impacted by pushback against trans rights requests.
Now if seeing a trans person as a their identified gender makes you skeptical, this is where it’s important to know and talk to trans people. They’re often painted as “men in dresses” (trans men are never presented, at all), that they’re predators or tricksters (ironically why violence is so high is because men feel tricked into desiring them), but in reality they’re just really depressed and want and to pee in quiet without getting grunted at in the street, or leave the house dressed as who they see themselves as and not fear being called a faggot or beaten up.
2) that trans women are men, they’re not, they’re women, a popular gender critical reasoning to this, up until recently, has been Judith butlers work in which she formulated the idea of spectrum gender and that most of what we perceive as “sex” is actually just gender and a human construct. Typically this is used to argue that ftm’s are just dykes and mtfs are just gays who like dresses.
It was recently-ish butler was like “actually what it means is what’s between your legs is unimportant, arbitrary, most of what we desire for ourselves is actually how we want people to perceive us within this social construct. The idea that a trans man, would have likely always seen themselves as a man, but society would have not, a trans woman would always believe they’re a woman, society would not. It’s the mislabelling and pushing by society, our families, our teachers which causes the dysphoria trans people exhibit. For sake of brevity I will merely allude to the idea that just because trans people are socialised in a different gender does not mean trans women don’t experience male violence, there is a lot of data to back this up but I’m on a forum not my degree!
While biological sex may alter ones appearance, it’s not as Innate or binary as one might assume, so much so we can reverse, for anyone! With simple drugs! Drugs women use when there body stops producing them! And drugs men use when they haven’t got it going! Cis people drugs!
ignoring this hurts women, professional women athletes like caster semenya have to take feminising hormones to compete and Micheal phelps doesn’t. Or how women born without female reproduction organs or unable to conceive are ignored when gender critical discourse latches onto the idea of “bleeding”.
Sure, you’ll hear stuff in the news, maybe you’ll hear some wild stuff from both sides from time to time but honestly, it’s really quite boring when you unpack it!
I really recommend contra points videos if you’re looking for some really rigorous both sides-ism which falls quite quantitively and progressively.
So to answer your questions, none, but trans people are not asking for that, we’re asking to be seen as ourselves, women, men, and although not trans non binary people. It’s why you might receive such hostile responses, because it’s a hostile question, one that’s often used to deceive or divert away from genuine issues trans people want, like previously, healthcare, protection under the law, and right to be themselves.
I’m not going to reply any more, but really, I do urge you, get to know trans people, we’re a good bunch. from your comments you seem to be latching onto a lot of buzz words that trans people roll their eyes at when used, but may use as memes themselves because they’re so bizarre. more often than not, are actually formulated by cis equality bodies looking to appear inclusive or politically correct, to both sides annoyance. Think of how they try to come up with a new word for “poor people” every 5 years. I think getting to know trans people and who they are and what they want would really help show this,