• #2
Yeah. Will lend for mince pies / beers
More the beers tbh
• #3
great. I'll DM you about it most likely some point next week if that's okay, and arrange something (including your beer preference.)
• #5
Aye. On Hackney Road if you’d like to borrow it.
• #6
FYI it’s the same spline pattern / tool as Rotor, SRAM GXP etc, probably Shimano too.
• #7
Thanks for the Quick reply. A friend will lend me his one and if for someone reason it doesn't work I will sure come to you. The only issue is I can reward you with anything but alcohol.
Does anyone in East London have an Campagnolo Ultratorque bottom bracket cup fitting tool I can borrow at some point over christmas? This one I think: https://www.wiggle.co.uk/campagnolo-ultra-torque-bottom-bracket-cup-tool?lang=en&curr=GBP&dest=1&sku=5360335571&kpid=5360335571&utm_source=google&utm_term=&utm_campaign=Shopping+-+All+Products&utm_medium=base&utm_content=mckv%7CsCijkvxnM_dc%7Cmcrid%7C295296961877%7Cmkw%7C%7Cmmt%7C%7Cmrd%7C5360335571uk%7Cmslid%7C%7C&mkwid=sCijkvxnM_dc&pcrid=295296961877&prd=5360335571uk&pgrid=57437518777&ptaid=pla-640857490517&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI387U6NfS7QIVo-_tCh2YowHsEAQYAyABEgIYEfD_BwE