With my tin foil hat on, the numbers don't give the full picture till you have all the variables. Did the people that had the issues, was the condition undiagnosed before having the jab or a high predisposition pre jab? Or were they doing something that would cause the issue.
So is there a direct causal link or just a random link as people get ill.
EDIT: Seeing that both az and pf have issues maybe it is a rare Covid complication. Covid has affected a number of diabetic people have had increased complications and there have been a few people that have become diabetic since contracting covid. Is that related to covid or something that was going to happen anyway.
Don't forget a lot of people in their 80s get really ill for all sorts of reasons that have nothing to do with vaccinations.
How to Vaccinate the World is worth a listen, annoyingly I can't remember which episode dealt with the number of people you would expect to die shortly after receiving the vaccine. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000py6s/episodes/downloads