Yes, unless you've got some hex-ended bits which will fit in the chuck. This or similar will be very useful, not least for actually reaching the screw heads, as a bit directly into the chuck without the holder is very stubby and tricky to use.
Whisper it, but I enjoy using mine to change disc rotors with the torx bit. Gently does it!
I would go matchy matchy. DeWalt make some decent impact bits, they come in good cases you can clip onto a belt and are reasonably priced. E.g.
https://www.screwfix.com/p/dewalt-6-35mm-hex-shank-mixed-extreme-impact-torsion-screwdriver-bit-set-32-pcs/7045f#product_additional_details_containerPersonally I wouldn't like cheaper bits breaking on me, buy cheap buy twice and all that.
TOOL QUERY. As per my last post, I’m now the proud owner of a DeWalt impact driver. Do I need impact driver bits for it? I haven’t anything in particular to use it on at the moment but I like planning ahead and it gives me an excuse to browse tools etc 😁