Hey, yes, I'm really sorry about the shipping. (F*ck Brexit.)
Kickstarter takes 10% on everything. So already that's £16.20. Postage to most of EU is currently about £14 (1.25kg). Then we have to pay the warehouse and buy packaging etc.
Also, we pay your VAT. After July, we pay upfront as it is imported into the EU: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/77255bf8-65cd-11eb-aeb5-01aa75ed71a1/language-en.
So I when I realised this I had to put the postage up slightly for the EU to cover the VAT across all potential countires. Actually we lose a bit of money…
ps – sorry for the uber boring post
pps – thanks for your interest in the book, it's going to be ace
ppps – F*CK BREXIT
Yeah, I really want the book but £18 shipping + local VAT makes it quite an expensive read.