That's possible but I have a brand new Baratza Encore so to my mind that's not likely. The setting is kept pretty coarse (24-ish on the settings, close to mfg recommendations for French press). There will always been some things that are too small that will always get through the mesh. Unless you let it sit there for 10 minutes after brewing and then pour so slowly around and through the grinds in the filter as to not disturb things.
I may just be getting grumpy with my current method. Because not a god damn thing has changed in the last 12 months and I'm tired of being cooped up at home and the routine is mind numbing and let's change the things we have control over.
Or something.
The Hoffmann method for French press is pretty good for a cleaner cup, but does take a long time (a lot of that time is just letting it sit, but still)
We have a clever dripper and it's amazing. Clean cup, no faffing with steady pouring. If you want to make a litre just dump the water and coffee in for the first 500ml, leave to brew for 2 mins or whatever, while that's going weigh out the next dose and get the paper/water ready. Draw down into your vessel, dump the used filter in the bin, rinse repeat. I love the clever, and I'm too lazy for even the aeropress 😂
I'm sure a real coffee guru will out me right if I'm wrong on this but fines in your French press coffee is more down to geindnquakity than the fact itsna French press.
We used to get lots of fines in our coffee but our new grinder has totally eliminated that.