Could it be cold related? I found my nicely indexed (at a comfy 20C indoor temp) went completely nuts yesterday with the -10C real feel, to the point where the additional tension (due to thermal contraction) would prevent the RD to shift into the last 3 cogs. Probably matters more for a RD with slightly longer cable.
Or could it be the BB cable guide? Some of the plastic ones have long flexible parts that make it difficult to get the tension right for the FD, for example the trim on my 7000 is always slghtly off because of this.
Anyone else with mechanical 8000-series Shimano have the left shifter stop working properly? It won't shift down to the little ring reliably on both the cable shifter I have on the road bike, or the hydro one I have on the CX bike.
It feels like it's not engaging properly, shifting down has little resistance. Will investigate inside the shifter today, just seemed weird that both have stopped working.