Nothing will be truly waterproof without seam sealing, which is generally complicated and/or expensive to do properly.
Providing you’re using a sensible outer fabric + tension on your machine is set up correctly, once sandwiched together with the rubberised zipper it’s going to let very much water through.
Using the thickest possible thread in the smallest possible needle will help a bit. You can also put a small amount of silicone or similar along the stitch line (between the layers). Apply with a small brush or similar, don’t try to run a bead from a caulk gun 😊
Nothing will be truly waterproof without seam sealing, which is generally complicated and/or expensive to do properly.
Providing you’re using a sensible outer fabric + tension on your machine is set up correctly, once sandwiched together with the rubberised zipper it’s going to let very much water through.
Using the thickest possible thread in the smallest possible needle will help a bit. You can also put a small amount of silicone or similar along the stitch line (between the layers). Apply with a small brush or similar, don’t try to run a bead from a caulk gun 😊