Awful lot of people getting bent out of shape about this Labour / flag thing, which just goes to show how absolutely fucked up we are as a party.
No-one thinks that wrapping ourselves up in the flag is going to win us votes. The flag is no replacement for policy. The idea here is that if we appear ashamed of the flag, or weirdly neurotic about it, then people will vote against us. The signal to voters is 'alright, know it's been a bit weird the last few years, but we're back now, you can have a union jack flag in your window and we're not going to look down on you for it'. I personally don't think that being British is anything to be especially proud of, but I recognise I'm not the target of this approach. Voters want a leader who's proud to be British and of British values, and is prepared to fight for them, and after our worst result in 1935 years it's probably worth seeing what happens when we give it to them. It's worth a bash at least, isn't it?
Awful lot of people getting bent out of shape about this Labour / flag thing, which just goes to show how absolutely fucked up we are as a party.
No-one thinks that wrapping ourselves up in the flag is going to win us votes. The flag is no replacement for policy. The idea here is that if we appear ashamed of the flag, or weirdly neurotic about it, then people will vote against us. The signal to voters is 'alright, know it's been a bit weird the last few years, but we're back now, you can have a union jack flag in your window and we're not going to look down on you for it'. I personally don't think that being British is anything to be especially proud of, but I recognise I'm not the target of this approach. Voters want a leader who's proud to be British and of British values, and is prepared to fight for them, and after our worst result in 1935 years it's probably worth seeing what happens when we give it to them. It's worth a bash at least, isn't it?