• #61927
Hi all, a bit of a basic question.. but any help would be much appreciated.
I'm looking at a Volvo XC70 D5 SE Lux, 2014, 42k miles. Are there any major issues to look for?
I'll probably get a RAC/AA vehicle inspection. - Is this best to get done prior to purchase (at the garage), or shortly after purchasing? Thanks. -
• #61928
Do it before purchasing for sure. Is it private seller?
• #61929
Ok thanks. It's at a Toyota dealership, taken as part of a part-ex.
• #61930
Main dealer is main dealer.
See if they are doing any deals, is there a vw specialist nearby?
• #61931
The injection was a bosch D jettronic, and that the points gave issues so the car didn't start or ran badly was a great way to get a cheap type 3.
• #61932
Not exactly a joke, oh and antiquated and dreadful is now personality. Type3 had a cult following by people who paid garages to do everything, usually the garages didn't work on VW so cars were never repaired properly. So sold on cheap.
• #61933
best tactic for replacing tyres on the cheap? order some online and then call a garage to fit them? just head to kwik-fit?
edit: just seen asdatyres.co.uk (lol) have some sort of system where they ship the correct tyres to a local garage to get fitted. seems pretty easy
• #61934
Look at who the on line people use to fit the tyres and give them a call to see what prices you get. Then give the kwik fit/ats etc a call to see if they price match.
• #61935
Anyway I thought it ( green type 3)looked Great in the rain , it looked in top nick too
I do wonder about the classic car market , who will be paying £40k for mark one escorts in the future ?
But it’s nice to see something different parked on the street -
• #61936
People of a certain age buy MK1 escorts for nostagia reasons, so as people get older it will be the cars of their youth.
• #61937
A lot of tyre guys won't fit tyres they don't supply. Best bet is to find a good mobile tyre guy who operates on his won rather than a big brand I suspect. That's who I use anyway and price is always excellent!
• #61938
nice! thanks
• #61939
muy bueno will look into it
• #61941
I've been window shopping these a lot recently. I blame Wallander.
• #61942
I used asdatyres for 4 tyres on my fiesta before christmas. They just have them sent to a local fitting centre, in my case a halfords autocentre. Pick a day / time for fitment & bring the car along to them. Totally straightforward and comfortably the cheapest.
• #61943
+1 for this option.
• #61944
Binky paint job looks incredible.
• #61945
This will be my bedtime viewing tonight.
• #61946
I think it’s not out until tomorrow unless you’re a Patreon supporter.... just in case you can’t find it.
• #61947
• #61948
Camskill are worth checking. Just paid £270 for 4 x Michelin ps4’s 225x40x18 for the 130i
• #61949
I use Oponeo had trouble with Blackcircle kept delivering the wrong size tyres before
https://www.oponeo.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA3smABhCjARIsAKtrg6L_qJxykRwRNxCWCdbU6-UkHNcbXTrTCCRdepq3RPtL-_i9oXGJK1saAn5XEALw_wcB -
• #61950
I think I win today’s car spot.
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Rivian raise another $2.85B taking their raise total to $8.2B having produced exactly 0 cars.