So why are we going against the smart peoples advice?
Because we don't have as much vaccine as we would like to have or the capacity to vaccinate everyone as quickly as we would like.
Therefore we have to choose between doing it the ideal way and vaccinating a smaller number of people twice within the ideal timescale, or taking the pragmatic decision to vaccinate as many people as possible as quickly as possible, albeit with one dose followed by a longer than ideal gap to the second dose.
We don't live in an ideal world, this is the most practical way forward.
As @Scrabble says I don't really get why you're struggling with this so much.
Just once more -
It was developed in a super short timescale with the specific view to get it approved and distributed as quickly as possible. To this end, big pharma will have worked to the shortest effective spacing (both to shorten testing and administration), not necessarily the optimal effective phasing (which may well be longer as has been shown in many other vaccines). -
The smart people doing so we're aiming to get the vaccine out safely and as quickly as possible. Other smart people and probably the same smart people will look at the actual situation and may say that it's better for everyone to do things differently as the original timeframe was to get things out as quickly as possible.
It's not that hard to understand is it? They can only approve what they can actually test for in trials, those trials are designed for a quick roll out, not the most effective way of dosing because rolling out quickly will save lives. Now that it's out there then ongoing real life data and probably more testing might result in the initial quick roll out numbers changing, but until that's been trialed and tested and reviewed and whatever else it's technically not how it's recommended to be used, for now but may be the best way to use it.
Some smart people did it based on evidence and experience, I'm guessing they aimed for the minimum amount of time to get things rolling out as soon as possible.