They will blame the EU for not giving us the deal we 'deserve'.
This is the beauty of their argument / view. You simply can't win.
Fwiw most the people I know who voted leave did so first for sovereignty and are in the main hard core free marketers looking to the longer term.
The only exception was a non-EU national who was bitter about all the BS and £s they and their spouse had to go through, vs EU nationals. They have a lot of issues.
Some of them were mislead sure, but there's an awful lot of people who are no smarter than me or better informed who voted for it. I didn't trust a single thing Farage et al said - why on earth did they? I find it bewildering.
Of all the people I know who voted leave (actually only five of them have admitted it, I'm sure there's more) one was a doctor (if there's one profession that should know not to trust a Tory govt, surely that's it?). Another was a politically informed (and I thought aligned) IT professional - particularly shocked by that one given he was working on a long term consultancy contract in France at the time.
I agree with @rodan - I think most Leave voters now need to shoulder significantly more responsibility than saying 'I was lied to by a bus'.
Fuck those that are now having to deal with the consequences of their actions - maybe they'll learn something from it.