Don't wish to alarm anyone, but have gregg's changed their mix this year, or maybe I accidentally got a vegan pack.
Were dry and average, only could eat one at a time, normally the whole 6 pack is at risk, did not have that feeling this time
Couldn't say whether they've changed this year as I broke my Gregg's virginity yesterday, based on you lot's raving on yer. Pastry was nice, very short, but filling was runny, hardly any body to it, and sweet? like you wouldn't believe. Time to dust off the mincemeat recipe and get bakin'
Don't wish to alarm anyone, but have gregg's changed their mix this year, or maybe I accidentally got a vegan pack.
Were dry and average, only could eat one at a time, normally the whole 6 pack is at risk, did not have that feeling this time