These junctions (which you obviously mostly find in the countryside) are problematic in that they enable much faster turns into them than at 90-degree (or thereabouts) junctions.
These junctions (which you obviously mostly find in the countryside) are problematic in that they enable much faster turns into them than at 90-degree (or thereabouts) junctions
Oh yeah I've had a few near head-ons with land rover's going way too fast round those in Hertfordshire.
This is the lawyer he employed--'Mr Technicality':
It seems that he's part of this firm--they seem to have personalised web-sites for their lawyers (or maybe it's just him and he has one):
He seems like a Scottish copycat of this guy, 'Mr Loophole'--both called Freeman:
Looks as if there might have been technicalities in play ...
This is the site:,-3.548846,3a,72.1y,270.05h,73.38t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sEN5xX2duwFIRWPj3vY1Kmg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656
These junctions (which you obviously mostly find in the countryside) are problematic in that they enable much faster turns into them than at 90-degree (or thereabouts) junctions.
A terrible case. RIP Gwyn Bailey.