Bin men came early on Friday. Hours early. I staggered out with some bags and said to one of them that I had a couple more (3 actually). He totally ignored me and after doing two more houses in our road they drove off passing the bags as they did so.
So today I took the three, plus a load of weekend shed crap to the dump to find they are only accepting vehicles with odd No registrations. Mine is even.
Stuff is still in the car so it will prob stink tomorrow. It’s that or store it outside for the foxes to decimate and rain to soak in.
I do however hate that fact that I forgot to put the bin out this morning. They alternate weeks between recycling and landfill here. I just missed the landfill one. Our youngest isn't potty trained yet so that means i'me going to have to fish two weeks worth of black bags full of rotten food and toddler shit out a stinking wheelie bin and drive it to the tip. *boaks