I'm just playing. I've complained every time they've added a cog. It's a bit annoying as nowadays I wear stuff out fast enough that I then have to consider if the upgrade is worth doing instead of just swapping some part. Back when it was 9spd and I was in Oz, that was never a consideration.
Yeah but I have something like 8 bikes that are 11spd. So if/when I decide to move I have the drama of not being able to use certain wheels with x bike, have to remember to have the new types of chains as spares, new tools possibly. It's just a headache.
I'm just playing. I've complained every time they've added a cog. It's a bit annoying as nowadays I wear stuff out fast enough that I then have to consider if the upgrade is worth doing instead of just swapping some part. Back when it was 9spd and I was in Oz, that was never a consideration.