This is brilliant. Very jealous.
We have just gone into tier 4 so gyms close from friday. Any suggestions for a lockdown programme when all I have is a 20kg kettlebell and a pull up bar?
I was thinking something like 5 x 10 pull ups, 3 x 10 air squats, 3 x 10 KB squats and maybe KB clean and press.
Will throw in half a n hour on the turbo the days I dont do the above.
Just pulled that out of thin air so any improvements or suggestions gratefully received.
A few of my favorites with that equipment are:
- One arm row
- Snatches
- Push-ups
- Turkish getups
- Regular kettlebell swings
- Hanging knee raise
I’d also suggest variations of those you suggested, like close grip underhand pull-ups (for more biceps) and wide grip for more lats.
For some structure, try to do one push, one pull and one leg. You can do that in a superset. Then do 1-2 of those and some core work (like one of the last 3 suggestions).
- One arm row
5 x 10 pulls ups are surely harder than 3 x 10 squats and 3 x 10 KB squats?
I've found combining pullups and kettlebells really hard on my forearms and grip strength.
3 x 10 pull ups, 3 x 20 KB squats, 3 x 20 KB swings + clean and presses?
If you have only one weight kettlebell, you'll have to increase sets/reps as you get stronger.
I recieved some more plates and made a simple plate storage unit last week.
Training wise I’m doing Starting Strength but I added chin/pullups straight away because I really like doing them 😅 (and some bicep/tricep work ‘cause vain...)
Edit; Oh, and started making a simple bench at work today. Reclaimed oak top and steel legs.