• #105602
Would make for an interesting, if depressing, read.
That's why I prefer my depressing novels to be set in the past, you see.
• #105603
I recall a discussion earlier in this thread earlier, where Tester and others showed how crossing the Atlantic with a cruise ship isn't greener than flying as you need to factor in the fuel used to transport all the fixtures needed on a longer journey. I.e. cabins, restaurants etc.
The main reason for preferring slow travel to fast is that the volume goes right down. It's the constant, everyday grind of planes blasting off, because everybody thinks they ought to be able to go to the other side of the world at the drop of a hat, that's the main problem. In themselves, as tester says, operating large ships is very environmentally damaging, e.g. in the (pre-COVID, although I expect it'll go back to how it was before pretty quickly once we feel we can live with the virus) burgeoning cruise ship industry, but if you keep their number down and intercontinental travel by boat is small in volume, it's better. Too many ifs, and equally obviously, people will resent any such curtailing of their modern 'freedom'.
• #105604
I think Tester's observation about economic activity seems like a pretty useful marker for carbon footprint too. Buy less/consume less/throw less away. It doesn't matter if you opt for a product with a lower carbon footprint if you didn't need it in the first place.
• #105605
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
• #105606
If one was to look for a second hand track frame for doing 30ish mile rides with hills on, and also battering around town on, what's the best bet for around ÂŁ200 (f&f)? Steel or ally? I was really surprised at how stiff and responsive the cheap ally CX frame I bought was - especially the difference it made when getting out of the saddle on climbs. It doesn't particularly bother me if it looks shit, or if the track geo isn't that comfortable for longer rides.
Am I likely to be surprised or disappointed if I buy steel in terms of performance?
• #105607
what's to go-to for ready baked, template based ecommerce solutions for folks wanting to sell handmade goods these days? Is Etsy still a thing? What about Wix and Shopify etc...
genuinely asking for a friend.
• #105608
I am trained in gorilla warfare
Then I have nothing to worry about, since I identify as a bonobo
• #105609
A friend of mine has reasonable success on Etsy and this is in the handmade items range.
• #105610
noice. if you don't mind me asking - how is your mate marketing her shop?
if you know that is.
• #105611
but if you keep their number down and intercontinental travel by boat is small in volume, it's better.
Whatever number of people you need to move, air liners are still at least a whole order of magnitude less poluting than ocean liners.
Cutting travel volume by banning the most efficient method is ridiculous. -
• #105612
Not too sure that I can answer your question, other than the usual facebook, instagram etc etc
• #105613
i sell a few items on Etsy, i rely totally on search and do no marketing/promotion whatsoever
hence maybe one sale a quarter
see how how much Etsy charge per sale - for a ÂŁ25 sale I seem to get about ÂŁ20 - so having a Wix site might work out cheaper.
• #105614
yeah that's what i was hoping you'd say.
i'm trying to disabuse someone of the notion that they need a fully personalised, all singing, all dancing handmade custom job for day one. that's something you scale up to... maybe.
i've listed the following reasons:
you'll benefit from being able to build it yourself using the providers templates which will be super easy to upscale
comes with an ecommerce platform baked in (for the most part)
the SEO is handled for you
you'll not have to worry about hosting fees and faffery
you can maintain it yerself and you don't have to wait for your designer / dev to pull a finger out if you want updates
all of which frees you up to do your social media marketing etc.
anything i've missed?
• #105615
The product is instantly searchable on Etsy which provides a much greater degree of exposure. A standalone website is unlikely to have any serendipitous traffic, unless you pay for Google listings etc.
• #105616
exactly. i think part of the problem is people see cathkidston.com and think "that looks easy, yeah i'll do that".
• #105617
It may seem that way, but unfortunately the only way of reducing unsustainable transport is to make it less convenient. Much of that involves adding time, hence water-based is best. Needless to say, I'm not in favour of ocean liners, either. Small to medium ships would be best.
Obviously, it's completely counter-intuitive in the age of hypermobility, but all motorised transport is unsustainable, whether electric or other kinds of fuel-based. The only way is reduction and abandoning our science fiction-inculcated ideas about machine travel on demand.
• #105618
Also, bang an Etsy up and see what happens. The whole process of making a website with shop functionality is a MUCH bigger undertaking. Admittedly not as big as it used to be with things like square space and big cartel, but having a standalone website is like having a shop with no footfall, compared to Etsy being more like a market stall (not a great analogy but you get the idea).
• #105619
i've pretty much copypasta'd your reply into the email i'm smooshing together. check's in the mail.
• #105620
Small to medium ships would be best.
Ships got bigger because bigger was more efficient, economically and energetically. The physics cannot be defeated by your wishing it away.
Electric transport, including ships and planes, is fully sustainable if the generation of electricity is sustainable, which it certainly is in some cases for values of sustainable up to the reasonable durability limit of human civilisation.
• #105621
I’d go for anything available with brake mounts and reasonable tyre clearance (id want mudguards too). Maybe a Dolan or something?
• #105622
the only way of reducing unsustainable transport is to make it less convenient. Much of that involves adding time, hence water-based is best.
Can you show your working please
• #105623
This all makes sense, I guess I should just listen to my heart and buy a sick steel or ally track frame and accept that it's wholly inappropriate (because I wouldn't have an excuse to buy something new based on what you described with my old track path frame that takes brakes, mudguards and big tyres sitting unused in the garage).
I just need to admit that I want a cool fixie again.
I guess the real question was, is steel really shit compared to ally when it comes to track frames?
• #105624
I guess the real question was, is steel really shit compared to ally when it comes to track frames?
No? Hah. Both can be excellent or shit
• #105625
is steel really shit
If you've got a stronger kick than this lad, you might want to get something a little stiffer than old-school skinny steel.
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