Correlation is not causation.
Lots of Kati's family are Republican voters and voted for Trump this time, and 4 years ago. They don't like the man nor do they agree with everything he says but they are pro-life single issue voters and that is the way of it. I thin they see his racism as being an ugly stain to have to bear to get what they want.
Think this is the case for many Republican voters. They're voting for Trump as he's their only candidate. If the election had 3 candidates:
a - Repblican - Trump as president
b - Republican - Someone else as president
c - Democrats - Biden as presidentI think b would've gotten a fair chunk of votes
When Sopel was interviewing old Floridians in retirement communities, he recounted how he constantly came across very embarrassed Republicans who were utterly dismayed by the coarsening of discourse and polarization of debate.
Obviously we don't know how those people voted, and you'll never know how many held their noses.
But that is the challenge with a two horse race, you get put on one side or the other.
I'd also be interested to see some numbers behind the Latino vote. I've seen some stats clearly showing the importance of the black vote, but I thought the Latino vote was much more divided. Now we're out the other side, it's worth pointing out that for all the Dreamers PR rhetoric from Obama he had a pretty ruthless deportation policy.
I don’t know what to say to that, but from a black point of view that’s unacceptable.
You can allow it the first time round, no one really knew what kind of president he would be, you could guess but no one knew, but the second time knowing how he governs (or doesn’t) and the amount of conflict and chaos he creates.
The mind boggles.Obviously their lesser of two evils is diametrically opposed to
Posted this in the black lives matter thread but worth putting it here as well..
As relieved as I am that joe Biden (legal challenges apart) has won the us presidency, what scares me is that 57% (or close to that number) of white people voted for trump! Over half the white population of the United States voted for a man whose been a racist throughout his political “career”. If it wasn’t for the black and Latino vote, trump would have got four more years and I don’t think it would have been particularly close..
Now it’s down to black voters in Georgia to see if they can turn the tide in the senate in the face of gerrymandering and institutional attempts to disenfranchise their ability to vote, come January, giving Biden what Obama never had, control of the senate and the ability to push through policies that could reverse some of the legislative damage that this administration and complicit republicans have put in place.