I'm tidying up the woodwork in my flat - we've got a lovely painted glass door panel that the pricks who previously owned the place got paint on because they didn't mask it. They definitely saved a lot of money on masking tape...
The glass is wavey so the old stanley blade scraper doesn't work so well - does anyone know of a good trick to remove paint from textured glass? Like is there a kind of non scratch metal wool that would do the trick?
Carefully brush some NitroMors onto it. It’s horrible stuff to use indoors but it should bring that off if you go at it with a scouring pad afterwards.
I had to do the same on a textured bathroom window.
I'm tidying up the woodwork in my flat - we've got a lovely painted glass door panel that the pricks who previously owned the place got paint on because they didn't mask it. They definitely saved a lot of money on masking tape...
The glass is wavey so the old stanley blade scraper doesn't work so well - does anyone know of a good trick to remove paint from textured glass? Like is there a kind of non scratch metal wool that would do the trick?
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