Someone near me was shopping out a few cameras, all untested. One of them being a Canon 850. I found it really interesting as it is an SLR body with no manual controls. So I put a battery in it and put a 40mm 2.8 pancake on it so it became kind of like a point and shoot in terms of functionality, without a flash (the 750 has a flash, which would make it more point and shoot-y). You frame up, semi depress until it finds focus and off you go.
Blasted a roll of Colorplus to see if it worked and all is well with the camera, could definitely see myself shooting some more AF Canon body stuff!
Someone near me was shopping out a few cameras, all untested. One of them being a Canon 850. I found it really interesting as it is an SLR body with no manual controls. So I put a battery in it and put a 40mm 2.8 pancake on it so it became kind of like a point and shoot in terms of functionality, without a flash (the 750 has a flash, which would make it more point and shoot-y). You frame up, semi depress until it finds focus and off you go.
Blasted a roll of Colorplus to see if it worked and all is well with the camera, could definitely see myself shooting some more AF Canon body stuff!