I think it's fair to say that it needed doing. By someone else, of course. Next project is to completely re-do the ensuite bathroom. I thought the shower seemed a bit bouncy - it turns out there's a leak somewhere under the shower unit, and the piece of chipboard holding the shower tray in place is rotted to fuck and bowing significantly.
Time to try and remember how to lay tiles. Floor and walls. Carpets in bathrooms are a bloody stupid idea. At present there's only carpets on the floor, not the walls. Obvs.
Top bin accessorising also
Totally inadvertent. I'm trying to decide whether to own it, and run the "played for and got" argument, or to get a sign made up pointing out that it's a coincidence. The former seems the path of least resistance, so I'll probably go for that.
In other news, today is the first time I've been asked whether I want to update the firmware in a lightbulb. WtactualF?!
Still, can't really claim it didn't need doing.