Sounds like it's not seeing the modem at all.
I've got an Edgerouter which has an entirely different interface but should be installing a USG this weekend so will see how that pans out.
EDIT: One thing to try is turning off the modem for ten minutes or so and turning on again. Virgin told me to do that for some reason at one point, can't remember why.
My dad has come round to help trouble shoot and realised that the light next to the port is constantly on even when there is no cable. Searching this has given me a couple of forum questions which basically describe exactly what I've had. It was an amazon warehouse purchase so I'm speculating that it was returned as faulty and sent back out because it looks like nothing is wrong
I can remove the usg and connect the pi through the switch to the modem and see the outside world, which I presume means it's something to do with the usg configuration?
I can't see the modem when I'm connected to the usg