• Mine was a bleed into a muscle compartment, until it got so swollen the blood couldn’t flow and then muscle and nerves started to go necrotic.

    Compounded by a visit to a doctor in a&e who said it was just an infected bruise, not to worry and just take more ibuprofen.

    Until the leg went numb and I was told to remain as still as possible and wait for ambulance before being rushed to hospital. After the first operation I was told I might need the leg amputated.

  • Jesus.
    I went to the minor injuries unit and to be honest they seemed to be keen just to get me back out and home again as quickly as possible.
    But I'm of course I'm too polite and didnt want them to think that I know better or anything.

    @andyp ah interesting that you could cycle but walking was difficult. This happened at the innerleithen trails, when my knee would come to the top of the peddle stroke I could feel that something wasn't right, felt like a tennis ball was stuck inside my leg and trying to pop out. Had to freewheel back down the fire road then cried in the car for a wee while...

    I just feel that 10 days after it, I'd have been a bit further along the recovery road!
    Hopefully the GP will take my moaning on board in the morning
