Attempt at remortgage isn't going well. My fixed rate expired so was just refreshing that.
However... Mortgage valuation has put the price down in the last 2 years, by more than 10%.
I questioned it... And a large part of the valuation is what the market has done in the last six months, values of properties sold that are near identical... And there are virtually none in my area except to much smaller and really bad condition places.
Mortgage broker advised that she's seen a fair amount of this in the last month with multiple clients seeing mortgage lenders lower the valuation.
I'm not bothered too much, I can carry on with my current lender on a deal not far from the best I saw, but if you're remortgaging you might want to consider this
I'm super glad we went 5 yr fixed when we moved last March. Certainly didn't foresee the current situation but I don't feel like Brexit is going to help the housing market/economy in general so now & next year feels like a tough time to be looking at remortgaging.
Attempt at remortgage isn't going well. My fixed rate expired so was just refreshing that.
However... Mortgage valuation has put the price down in the last 2 years, by more than 10%.
I questioned it... And a large part of the valuation is what the market has done in the last six months, values of properties sold that are near identical... And there are virtually none in my area except to much smaller and really bad condition places.
Mortgage broker advised that she's seen a fair amount of this in the last month with multiple clients seeing mortgage lenders lower the valuation.
I'm not bothered too much, I can carry on with my current lender on a deal not far from the best I saw, but if you're remortgaging you might want to consider this