• #23227
This is a postcode lottery.
• #23228
What’s in the box? Floatier Warps?
1 Attachment
• #23229
Wart Soap Lifer? (sorry)
• #23230
If only I knew which area fits, I could go on the prowl.
• #23231
Let’s play Hangman!
␣A␣␣␣O␣ ␣ATE␣␣
• #23232
Pippa, not OTP (but can be found on YACF), trained there for her open water swim for her Triathlon.
• #23233
Old: Fairlop Waters, out EAST!
I don't know if Aglet intended it, but pretty much where the tag is, happens to be the alleged site of a very old famous tree called the Fairlop Oak. Once regarded as the tallest tree in the country, it certainly had girth measuring 36ft at 3ft and its branches reaching circumference of 300ft. It became the location of a huge annual 3 day booze up in July reportedly attracting 200,000 people at its height. This Fairlop Fair started life as a bean feast by ship pump maker Daniel Day in the early 1720's whose workers paraded decorated wheeled boats from Wapping up through Stratford to the tree. Sadly it became a victim of its own success and bits of the tree were sold off as souvenirs and people started having bonfires in the hollow trunk until a gale blew over the 700 year old tree in 1820. The pulpit of St Pancras Church on Euston Road even comes from this tree.
How many police officers does it take to cut down a tree?
2 Attachments
• #23234
Well done—yep, I’d read up on Fairlop. The Q6 route with the new LTN roadblocks past Valentines Park makes a good run from east Stratford out to Essex.
• #23235
It wasn't half scary going on Q6 across the Roding tonight. Valentines Park was closed too unfortunately, but in day time a good route yes. Needless to say I didn't come back that way.
• #23236
Typical: one that I could get crops up on the weekend that I can’t get it.
• #23237
Old: Biketrax, Cambridge Park, Wanstead
2 Attachments
• #23238
Old: Biketrax, Cambridge Park, Wanstead
I daresay that wasn't the tag oat44 had in mind. It's close by, but he refers to a very different story in his clue. Up to him to say whether you've got it or not.
• #23239
Quite. The old tag is still open (what a hoary old chestnut that phrase has become).
• #23240
Aglet, it's yours if you can tell the story!
• #23241
old chestnut
The Siege of Wanstonia—presumably the bike was where the tree stood? And it apparently took 600 police. Crikey.
• #23242
Can't embed this, but here's the tree
https://images.app.goo.gl/2PoAx67ufDrybhj58 -
• #23243
That's the bunny. Clue for the new?
• #23245
Hadn't you better check it is ok first? ;)
• #23246
Was going to moan that it was quite recent....it wasn't.
• #23247
Clue for the new?
If I’d had a puncture in both tyres would I have holey rollers? What if this happened 50 days after I passed over this bridge…?
Update: I lost my nerve a little after taking the first photo, so the new tag isn’t exactly international.
• #23248
Clues please.
• #23249
After 50 days, nothing would really happen. The only reason to cross that bridge is to stock up with some long life food from the giant Tescos, last you a good few months.
...oh wait, you're talking about the church! ;)
• #23250
The [Pentecostal] church in question is presumably on one of these hides of land:
In the 22nd year of Henry III (1237-8) a Feet of Fine records the following transaction: Hugh, Abbot of Stratford, plaintiff, by Henry his monk as attorney-and Richard, son and heir of Geoffrey, son of Richard Corbicum impedient - concerning two hides of land with appurtenances in Luiyton with a plea of Warranty of Charter.
Hoping its SW