Bit of a rant which is as much my fault as anyone's.
Won't bore you with the background but I finally got the Golf it's major service.
Went for an indy to save some money, in particular for the DSG oil change - as Internet wisdom and Indy's say the DSG oil should be changed at 40k (which VW don't do) as well as factory levels being too low - which is why they shit themselves so often.
The whole experience was so rushed in one those busy places where you never felt you could get someone to talk to you properly. It was made more stressful as I had to get back quickly to help with childcare. So ultimately I couldn't actually check that all the VW service items were done, nor ask about the condition of the car and when things like pads needed replacement.
Also the car wasn't well cleaned so upon getting home I immediately got a load of grief from my OH about that given the total cost as she essentially believes servicing is made up conspiracy to fleece you.
Won't name the garage as other than being busy I don't know that anything hasn't been done. But it makes me value 1) the main dealer pickup service and those little videos they send you, and 2) Technosport the BMW indy I used to take my MINI to. Where the owner would run you to the station and give you the feeling that they'd done a thorough job.
Just needed to get it off my chest.
Oh and the car was parked miles away and I had to go back to get the log book stamped.
Bit of a rant which is as much my fault as anyone's.
Won't bore you with the background but I finally got the Golf it's major service.
Went for an indy to save some money, in particular for the DSG oil change - as Internet wisdom and Indy's say the DSG oil should be changed at 40k (which VW don't do) as well as factory levels being too low - which is why they shit themselves so often.
The whole experience was so rushed in one those busy places where you never felt you could get someone to talk to you properly. It was made more stressful as I had to get back quickly to help with childcare. So ultimately I couldn't actually check that all the VW service items were done, nor ask about the condition of the car and when things like pads needed replacement.
Also the car wasn't well cleaned so upon getting home I immediately got a load of grief from my OH about that given the total cost as she essentially believes servicing is made up conspiracy to fleece you.
Won't name the garage as other than being busy I don't know that anything hasn't been done. But it makes me value 1) the main dealer pickup service and those little videos they send you, and 2) Technosport the BMW indy I used to take my MINI to. Where the owner would run you to the station and give you the feeling that they'd done a thorough job.
Just needed to get it off my chest.
Oh and the car was parked miles away and I had to go back to get the log book stamped.