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• #77
If it's any use to anyone here with organising I know west London Bridges and routes better than any other area, so missing H'smith Bridge, which is closed above and below, isn't to much of an issue.
As for the rest of the bridges I'll be following
• #78
River path surface on both sides is fine for riding as long as no recent rain (Barnes side can get a bit splashy), but will be slow with peds/kids depending on the time you ride it...
• #79
You don't want the southside, it is either mud and dirt on the river path or a boring ride over the B349. Plus you miss the cool dark section after Barnes Bridge.
Just cross Barnes as usual and ride to Hammersmith Bridge.
Ride the river path towards Putney until it spits you out on either Woodlawn or Stevenage. At the end, turn left at the T-juction then right into Fulham Palace Road.
Over Putney, back immediately on the Fulham Railway Bridge and continue as before.
• #80
^ This.
• #81
bugger - busy on 12th
• #82
Un-busy yourself.
• #83
Parenthood duties pending, I'm going to try to come. First ride in ages if it actuality happens for me!
• #84
Parenthood duties pending, I'm going to try to come. First ride in ages if it actuality happens for me!
• #85
Mum said I can take the stabilisers off next week, so I'm in.
• #86
Pretty sure I'm in now for definitZ.
What's the verdict on the route? Are there now dirty off-road bits planned? Was originally planning to be on a bike which will only be good on roady surfaces.
• #87
Shirley that's the only type of bike to take off road; have you ridden an off-road bike off road? It's awfully mundane.
• #88
I always took these rides to be opportunities for people to bring bikes that don't even know what gravel is, so we should stick to what John's said, which avoids towpaths.
• #89
Oh my fucking word!
I'm in!
I'm going to hug everyone (maybe not :-( this virus is designed in a lab to spite me)
• #90
10pm to 11pm? This a sprint boss man?
• #91
Don't come near me as I'll be almost at the end of my quaranteen period.
Also bringing Velocio a filled bagels from the brick lane bagel shop is cheating and you should be banned ;)
• #92
In for this, and riding to the start from East.
It's been too long since I've done a forum ride.
• #93
Not sure you're completely grasping the concept of a quarantine period, there
• #95
• #97
Yeah, probably not the right place for this conversation. Though, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure it warrants much of a considered response.
• #98
Have I even said I am attending?
Reality is that you lot are a danger to me and I, a danger to you. My partner is a secondary school teacher so that means that she is going to be exposed to lots of children with no PPE These same kids have fuckwit parents who won't be in quarantine after the family holiday to their timeshares in France, Spain and Portugal. So I don't want to be the reason someone gets ill or dies.
There will be more bridges rides.
• #99
Okay, I don't think anyone was intending to upset you. Likewise, I don't think it's healthy to be so presumptive about other peoples behaviour.
• #100
On the subject of covid there are 41 of you going if the devilment rule is no more than 30 ? ( not sure and just asking for a friend )
please just keep an eye out for over zealous babylon
have a whip round for £10k
and ride safe people
peace and love
no shitting way, great news! will be lovely to see ya.
and thank you, my own personal troll @ioreka - i'm hoping actually that my new bike will be here by this time..... though my mate can't get the right length spokes from supplier so don't count on it.