The constant mantra of 'we need more homes, we need more homes' is simply nonsense.
I don't think it's nonsense, but it's highly South East specific, and in particular London. If you want to buy a house in the many parts of the country, no problem. They're cheap as chips. The problem is that everyone there (well, nearly) is on the minimum wage or benefits. The places where the jobs are, particularly the well-paying jobs, are highly centralized and as a result the house prices in those particular locations are astro-fucking-nomical, with commuter belts extending up to 100 miles outwards.
I agree the problem isn't a lack of housing per se. The problem is the highly localised demand for housing. And in these Covid19 times, with remote working becoming the norm, this is the ideal time to try and reverse that. Trouble is, all the Daily Mail-reading Boomers will be up in arms if it turns out their family home that they bought for two-and-a-half shillings in the mid seventies is no longer worth a couple of mill...
Building more all the time will only do one thing, namely to continue to overheat an already ridiculously-overheated housing market
Not sure I buy this though. As far as I'm aware, prices are still fixed by supply and demand. Increase supply and prices will go down. However, I agree that building shitty little hobbit boxes in areas of high demand is not the best way of solving this issue.
The constant mantra of 'we need more homes, we need more homes' is simply nonsense.
It's not nonsense, it's true. And don't take it from me, take it from Shelter:
https://england.shelter.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/629533/How_do_we_build_more_homes_-_Feb_2013_2.pdfThere are complicating factors like the homes that are available being in the wrong places as @Brommers points out but for years not enough homes have been built in Britain.
More on the utterly, utterly nonsensical plans being announced, clearly drawn up by people who are completely clueless about planning and are trying to massage targets to make Johnson & co. look good and line his donors' pockets.
The constant mantra of 'we need more homes, we need more homes' is simply nonsense. There are enough homes to house everybody as it is, but hundreds of thousands are empty, either for 'buy to leave', because they're in areas where the economy has been eviscerated by decades of rubbish economic policy, because their owners can't afford to renovate them, or because people are sitting on them as second or third 'homes'. Then there are many buildings at risk whose owners have deliberately run them down because they don't care about their conservation value and want to knock them down to build some crap that pays them rent. All of these things could easily be fixed with a non-corrupt political will.
Building more all the time will only do one thing, namely to continue to overheat an already ridiculously-overheated housing market, and will (not even paradoxically) lead to more homelessness as of the housing built, almost none will be social housing, and more people will be priced out of the rush to one of the few 'secure' investments still left in this ravaged and unbalanced economy.