20km after a long day of work and it was pretty hot out - that was the run I’d probably expected to come sooner, it was a total battle. My legs just didn’t want to move and whilst there was no specific pain it felt very much like an empty tank. I didn’t realise until I got in that I’d skipped lunch and only eaten half a banana and a croissant all day!! That really won’t have helped 😂. I’ve had a nice relaxing evening - featuring a cartmel sticky toffee pudding and custard, highly nutritious race fuel. I’ve decided that @Stonehedge is probably right, so going to get up and do 20km before work and split the remaining 11km into two. Thanks to @hats for the stupid idea, it’s been a good challenge and nice to keep an eye on your progress all the way over in China. And thanks for the various +1s and Strava Kudos - which have helped keep me going. Hopefully by the time most people read this I’ll have finished my morning run and only have 11km to go 😀
20km after a long day of work and it was pretty hot out - that was the run I’d probably expected to come sooner, it was a total battle. My legs just didn’t want to move and whilst there was no specific pain it felt very much like an empty tank. I didn’t realise until I got in that I’d skipped lunch and only eaten half a banana and a croissant all day!! That really won’t have helped 😂. I’ve had a nice relaxing evening - featuring a cartmel sticky toffee pudding and custard, highly nutritious race fuel. I’ve decided that @Stonehedge is probably right, so going to get up and do 20km before work and split the remaining 11km into two. Thanks to @hats for the stupid idea, it’s been a good challenge and nice to keep an eye on your progress all the way over in China. And thanks for the various +1s and Strava Kudos - which have helped keep me going. Hopefully by the time most people read this I’ll have finished my morning run and only have 11km to go 😀