26km yesterday and 30km today - which have played second fiddle to finishing the decorating in our lounge. I’ve been knackered both days before running and haven’t been eating properly. But got it done. Lying in bed thanking the fact I only have a 13km tomorrow and then 60km Thurs/Fri to finish the month. I could have quite happily given up at some point over the last 4 days but coming this far gotta keep chipping away.
@hats you’re to blame for all of this, so how’s it going for you??
26km yesterday and 30km today - which have played second fiddle to finishing the decorating in our lounge. I’ve been knackered both days before running and haven’t been eating properly. But got it done. Lying in bed thanking the fact I only have a 13km tomorrow and then 60km Thurs/Fri to finish the month. I could have quite happily given up at some point over the last 4 days but coming this far gotta keep chipping away.
@hats you’re to blame for all of this, so how’s it going for you??