I have the Festool system and it's one of the least comprehensive tools I've ever used. It has a system for calculating offset that usually results in pins being drilled at different heights on the sheets. However the function of the carriage for the 5mm router bit is excellent, so if you can get your head around the offset bit it does the job very well.
It could probably be made from ply wood and some 5mm pins though. I've made jigs for all sorts of purposes, it's really hard to give yourself the time to make them properly until you realise it's the only way to do the job and it just has to be made.
Alternatively measure and drill, or cut a piece of Mdf that has a drill guide in it and a 5mm pin, you could fit a level to it or clamp a bit of Mdf to the edge of the work. My most used jigs are usually like this. If you're buying 5mm drill guides then buy a few, they come in very handy for all sorts of things.
Does anyone know where you can buy a 5mm shelf pin jig that doesn't cost a bonkers amount (i.e. not Kreg)?