Anyone had any issues with ultegra hydros leaking at the shifter? Took mine to the LBS to bleed the brakes and afterwards it pissed half the oil out of the shifter. LBS tells me it’s a “common” problem and I may need a new shifter. My guess is they didn’t tighten the screw to seal it enough (given they’re made of cheese not a total
Given it was only since they touched it it was a problem (I usually bleed them myself but was lending it to someone) I’m a little suspicious.
Anyone had any issues with ultegra hydros leaking at the shifter? Took mine to the LBS to bleed the brakes and afterwards it pissed half the oil out of the shifter. LBS tells me it’s a “common” problem and I may need a new shifter. My guess is they didn’t tighten the screw to seal it enough (given they’re made of cheese not a total
Given it was only since they touched it it was a problem (I usually bleed them myself but was lending it to someone) I’m a little suspicious.