this is going to land me squarely in the golf club thread, but I think the most important thing about oxford button downs is the collar. you have to have that curve -
they just look shit when they have these little collars with a button half way up the collar
the whole elegance of the shirt comes from the button causing that slight curve. Even without a tie it just looks so much better. Mercer does it best imo
Nope. Not golf thread material. You’re totally right. Another to look at is Kamakura. Beautiful roll on their collars too. But yeah, Drake’s factory is still probably the best bet.
this is going to land me squarely in the golf club thread, but I think the most important thing about oxford button downs is the collar. you have to have that curve -
they just look shit when they have these little collars with a button half way up the collar
the whole elegance of the shirt comes from the button causing that slight curve. Even without a tie it just looks so much better. Mercer does it best imo