Almost 18hrs. 100 reps and did an insurance one just in case.
The rain and delayed light made first decents quite a bit slower than I’d have liked.
Hmm good question, having had a pretty rough time on TCR I was a bit nervous about having to rely on such will power again but actually I quite enjoyed it. I hadn’t trained for it but made me realise how far I’ve come in terms of preparation for such events/ challenges.Also should state that @hazzelfrazzel was a great help on the day in making everything go smoothly.
Haha yeah. Thanks guys, went pretty well. Was pretty wet at the start, 2am, so lost time on my schedule early on.
Had a bit of a moment at about 11 o’clock where I had to take a longer break than planned as stomach was quite bloated.
Feel pretty good today considering, bum is a little sore from the faster decents. Submitted this morning so fingers crossed.