I've just spent a few fun minutes on my training log, to work out that last night's run was my best ever tempo run: 8 miles total incl. 5 miles @ 5:24/m, on grass. 27 minutes dead, which was a bit quicker than a 5 mile virtual-race time trial on the road, a few weeks ago. I think while I'm in the mood for virtual racing I might have another go on a faster route than grassy laps of Charlton Park, to see if I can beat my actual 5 mile PB of 26:45. I miss proper racing now!
^^ Quite extraordinary.
I've just spent a few fun minutes on my training log, to work out that last night's run was my best ever tempo run: 8 miles total incl. 5 miles @ 5:24/m, on grass. 27 minutes dead, which was a bit quicker than a 5 mile virtual-race time trial on the road, a few weeks ago. I think while I'm in the mood for virtual racing I might have another go on a faster route than grassy laps of Charlton Park, to see if I can beat my actual 5 mile PB of 26:45. I miss proper racing now!