Any recommendations on where to buy vintage comics online?
Thinking about buying some classics to keep (trying to get a The Killing Joke collection, would like to start with green print 1st edition)
Ebay is too much of a minefield.
I will have a chat with my LCB dealer next time I am in there to see if he can help.
In London 30th Century Comics are cheapest. Over Putney Bridge way. But online too. Dunno if they’re open atm but their stuff is as described. Loads of stock too. I live near Krypton Komics and they’re too expensive. I’m buying 60/70’s DC stuff.
Any recommendations on where to buy vintage comics online?
Thinking about buying some classics to keep (trying to get a The Killing Joke collection, would like to start with green print 1st edition)
Ebay is too much of a minefield.
I will have a chat with my LCB dealer next time I am in there to see if he can help.