I put some Vaseline in the mount, seems to be happier, plugged it into the Y cable and the power indicator goes green for a few seconds - I’ve also attached the first spliced cable to the B junction box and added the battery, green light - I’ve also plugged the battery into each of the remaining ports on the junction and it works in each one. When I add either of the other cables for front and rear mech, or both, no green light comes on from battery....
Just firing up the laptop... which is a Mac... 🤞
2 Attachments
Cool, so the majority of the system works which is great. Switch around cables from components to see what pops up and what doesn't. It might be a Firmware issue it might be a compatibility issue.
You know it's not a power issue at least.VMware it on your mac. PC only. If you need the PCE1 tool, you can borrow mine if you're London based.
That mount looks pretty fucked. Clean the cradle up and if you have any dielectric grease, apply it around the contacts and see if the battery slides in.
Do you have another battery or know anyone close by that can lend you a battery to see if the whole system powers up? You'll know what's at fault then.