Weather says sun until the weekend so time to get cracking with shed repair.
No idea why I've struggled so much with this. Well I do. The only place with the shiplap has a min spend the cost of a new shed, so I've had to buy the wrong size untreated plus we're social distancing and not everything is available locally.
Really fucking kicking myself over not buying the water butt kick from Screwfix yesterday as its now out of stock. So will have to put it together from individual parts. Don't suppose anyone knows if I don't seal the joins whether it will leak badly? Basically I want to be able to connect my water butt later without replacing the whole lot.
As you can see the water has rotted up through the bearer into the floor and wall frame in the middle ⅓. The rest is OK.
I've got some wood hardener coming midweek which I'll try and use to help. But ultimately idk what I can do. The shed is wired so I can't realistically move it. I've put a couple of desk fans down there, but wondering about running a big one inside.
My plan is to use this Cementone Roof Repair Compound for the bearers to prevent any future water transfer up. Due to the location/mini-H/time idk how I could get the wet bottom bearer off. Maybe the slight extra height of a new bearer and the rot will mean I can peal it off.
To get cracking on treating the wood I mixed some fresh engine oil with leftover Roseal fence paint and am leaving it to soak.
Then when the end seal comes I'll trim the bottom, soak the cut in the end sealer, lots of fence paint, then roof paint once it goes on.
Weather says sun until the weekend so time to get cracking with shed repair.
No idea why I've struggled so much with this. Well I do. The only place with the shiplap has a min spend the cost of a new shed, so I've had to buy the wrong size untreated plus we're social distancing and not everything is available locally.
Really fucking kicking myself over not buying the water butt kick from Screwfix yesterday as its now out of stock. So will have to put it together from individual parts. Don't suppose anyone knows if I don't seal the joins whether it will leak badly? Basically I want to be able to connect my water butt later without replacing the whole lot.
As you can see the water has rotted up through the bearer into the floor and wall frame in the middle ⅓. The rest is OK.
I've got some wood hardener coming midweek which I'll try and use to help. But ultimately idk what I can do. The shed is wired so I can't realistically move it. I've put a couple of desk fans down there, but wondering about running a big one inside.
My plan is to use this Cementone Roof Repair Compound for the bearers to prevent any future water transfer up. Due to the location/mini-H/time idk how I could get the wet bottom bearer off. Maybe the slight extra height of a new bearer and the rot will mean I can peal it off.
To get cracking on treating the wood I mixed some fresh engine oil with leftover Roseal fence paint and am leaving it to soak.
Then when the end seal comes I'll trim the bottom, soak the cut in the end sealer, lots of fence paint, then roof paint once it goes on.
Location is a mother fucker.