It's all fucking horrid, but surely all this ridiculous bollocks will help put into context the differences between the BLM protests and the awful arseholes that have spent the day getting pissed up, fighting, intimidating and scoring own goals instead of owning liberals. The fucking state of it all surely can't be ignored and hopefully makes some fence sitting, middle ground types realise which is the real problem.
Give 'em the rope. They could have maybe swung public opinion behind them, all they had to do was not urinate on a plaque commemorating a police officer murdered by extremists. Schoolboy mistake. Golden rule.
It's all fucking horrid, but surely all this ridiculous bollocks will help put into context the differences between the BLM protests and the awful arseholes that have spent the day getting pissed up, fighting, intimidating and scoring own goals instead of owning liberals. The fucking state of it all surely can't be ignored and hopefully makes some fence sitting, middle ground types realise which is the real problem.