I don't know what sort of documentaries are shown there, but when I was growing up in West Germany, there was a very strong emphasis on producing documentaries to educate people about 20th century history, in particular the Nazis and the Second World War, of course, but also the First World War and other assorted topics. As a result, the population in West Germany is now reasonably well-educated about all of this. The same thing wasn't done in East Germany under their régime, so that there are still perceptible differences, although since reunification more will have been done. Good historical programming is immensely important and valuable. I fully expect that there will also be historically inaccurate or deliberately misleading programmes, and I could well imagine a TV channel showing only ones like that, but I hope not.
what about those tv channels that endlessly repeat documentaries about hitler and that whole era
are they history / education programmes, programmes glorifying that regime for those right wing cunts to fap over or just channels under the murdoch broadcasting organisation so standard fayre for them lining up with the bosses politics allegedly .
personally i'd get rid of any programme like that for good, we all know what they did, it must be offensive for some people to have those programmes continually on their tv's