Waterworld - 90s nostalgia trip, love the design and vibe, can’t escape the feeling that it must’ve cost so much to make. Well good fun.
There was a sideboob bit on the VHS of this we recorded off the TV when I was younger that was definitely more used than the rest, does the rest of the film still hold up?
Waterworld was epically expensive, took about 20 years to break even.
I think it's found favour in the last decade but my memory was that it was complete shite. I also remember being irritated at how dirty everyone was even though they lived in water. After enjoying Street Fighter on the weekend I should probably give it another go!
Recent daft watches:
Total Recall - pure Verhoven goodness.
Waterworld - 90s nostalgia trip, love the design and vibe, can’t escape the feeling that it must’ve cost so much to make. Well good fun.
Conan the Barbarian - hilarious early Arnie entertainment. And wicked animatronic snakes.