But the machine that does that is currently turned off. I couldn't do it on the ubiquiti controller or a raspberry pi as both were CPU constrained and couldn't measure the full bandwidth so under reported.
So I was measuring on a Windows PC on the wired network at random times per day, running 3 tests and taking the average.
It was rock solid. Full bandwidth as advertised. Like others I would say just over. Although, I was getting over 30Mbps up.
This was with both of us online and me in mid-video-call right now
Speed tests need to be when your network is quiet. Otherwise you aren't measuring your house to the internet, you're measuring available bandwidth within the house.
This is why I took multiple measurements and averaged.
I automated my speed tests to run daily.
But the machine that does that is currently turned off. I couldn't do it on the ubiquiti controller or a raspberry pi as both were CPU constrained and couldn't measure the full bandwidth so under reported.
So I was measuring on a Windows PC on the wired network at random times per day, running 3 tests and taking the average.
It was rock solid. Full bandwidth as advertised. Like others I would say just over. Although, I was getting over 30Mbps up.