• #13627
Can anyone remind me what the government's position on domestic house cleaners has been through the various stages of lock down? Specifically their key worker status and whether they should have been visiting your home. Asking for a government minister.
• #13628
Wait a minute - you are Oliver Schick.
And you are not for sale. I rest my case. :)
• #13629
ONS figures are out, nearly 50,000 people have now died:
https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-britain-casualties/uk-covid-19-death-toll-tops-47000-as-pressure-heaps-on-pm-johnson-idUKKBN23211E -
• #13630
Hope springs eternal.
• #13631
demonstrably false account.
Just done some more googling.
This reminds me of that meme where the kid is covered in cake or something, but resolutely maintains their innocence.
My hot take is that it serves as a useful reminder that some people are more equal than others.
• #13632
So what's the tl;Dr of this whole Cummings thing then?
Everyone's salty because they can't drop their kids of at the grandparent's estate?
His boss was ill so he fucked off 260 miles up North for his mums birthday when the rest of the UK was under lockdown, then went sight-seeing to Barnard Castle for his wife's birthday, then drove back to London. Then lied about it all and said that he regrets nothing, and if you watched your sons funeral on Zoom then you're the cunt, not him.
• #13633
Indie reporting that the new YouGov polling shows 71 per cent of people believe Dominic Cummings broke lockdown rules:
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/dominic-cummings-news-boris-johnson-update-durham-lockdown-press-conference-latest-a9532161.html -
• #13634
Cheers, posted on the moderator thread already. Will send a private message as well. I am very much in favour of people going by their actual full names online and would like to join some on here who I know already do. Will the black helicopters come if I follow suit? ;)
• #13635
I actually think the advice is that they could work throughout.
• #13636
I think as long as they can maintain social distancing, use appropriate PPE and follow Covid safe work practices was always OK
It is one of the big problems the Government has faced economy wise, far more of it shut down than they told to and expected
• #13637
Thanks both
• #13638
Kay Burley was on fire today
Didn´t Cameron once tell Gove "don´t be a wanker"?
• #13639
Thank you - housemate just asked what its all about too so I just repeated this word for word.
• #13640
and the fact that MPs are happy to retrofit the guidance to support Cummings that is most significant imo.
The mixed message is so extraordinary.
“No the guideline haven’t change”
“No, Dom did do what he should and accordingly so”
“No again, guideline didn’t change”
• #13641
MPs are happy to retrofit the guidance to support Cummings that is most significant imo.
Yes. This is an odd hill for them to choose to die on.
• #13643
People weren’t shouting at him outside, he was shouting at people inside
Nice one ed.
• #13644
The details have emerged yesterday and muddied the waters somewhat because there are now so many more questions. Looking at it 'in the round' as Gove said earlier, it will not take much additional evidence to have the house of cards start to sway and there must be plenty of people who saw this roadtrip. My guess is that it is not the last time he will have to face the cameras on this matter. At least until there is a clear apology.
• #13645
This may have been covered earlier, I haven't caught up on the last 25 pages over the weekend, but what does Cummings have on Johnson and Gove for them to be protecting a spad in this way? It's definitely not that he is a 'genius' and indispensable to the government.
• #13646
He's not really an apology kind of person. Ironic given the number of... apologists around him.
• #13647
Expected it yesterday. Play for sympathy and say sorry; done. The madlad doubled-down and here we are.
• #13648
I thought this was quite good.
1 Attachment
• #13649
His boss was ill so he fucked off 260 miles up North for his mums birthday when the rest of the UK was under lockdown, then went sight-seeing to Barnard Castle for his wife's birthday, then drove back to London. Then lied about it all and said that he regrets nothing, and if you watched your sons funeral on Zoom then you're the cunt, not him.
Nice summary!
Cheers dude!
• #13650
Hairstylist with coronavirus potentially exposed 91 people to disease, say health officials
Fresh Yougov poll just announced on BBC R4 WATO:
52% of people thought Cummings should resign before yesterday's press conference, now it's 59%.
Also BoJo's approval rating down 20 points.