Little white lie answer: home made using horseradish donated by an allotment neighbour, blended with white wine vinegar and water.*
Honest answer: ah feck, you got me! I just checked the label on the Saino's stuff and it contains egg. D'oh! Didn't even occur to me. I'm not strictly vegan, my girlfriend is trying to be as much as possible, but I've fessed up and she's forgiven me!
*I did genuinely make some vegan horseradish sauce recently but it was hot as anything and the blending made my eyes hurt. When it ran out I gave in and bought some shop stuff.
Had my first go at vegan shepherd's pie last night and it came out great, will add to my regular-meal repertoire I think. Loosely based on looking up a recipe but mainly improvised. M&S Plant Kitchen mince, mushrooms, tomatoes, onion, peas, carrots, basil, oregano... and the tangy-ness coming from soy sauce, maple syrup and tomato ketchup. And a couple of dollops of horseradish sauce in the mash.