Kind of agree and seems that South America just had more pinch points transport wise so they landed up bunching together in the endless race for the next over night bus.I thought the fallout was explained that the family told him he has to have an arranged marriage and he refused so they all turned their back on him for over a decade and no one ever told the nephew that was the reason he had a uncle he couldn't no.
I really enjoyed S1 of Race Around the World, so much so that we incorporated it into our lockdown home school geography lessons. I thought S2 not quite as good, probably because I'm not so familiar with the countries but also I found the contestants not as interesting. Biggest change though was that standard reality show trait of defaulting to repeating info about their back stories, particularly the dull one about some sort of fallout (never fully explained) between possibly the dopiest person ever to scale Everest and his cousin.