Pretty good overall. ESP32 and ESP8266 were mostly stable although I found that my ESP8266 had better battery consumption although that could be down to the fact I bought high end ESP8266 but used cheapo ESP32.
In terms of sensors, I found that DHT22 was mostly reliable but occasionally gave null readings but the DS18B20 was rock solid. The DHT22 did not like exposure to humidity which is an issue for a humidity sensor.
I'm prototyping for a glaciology project rather than home monitoring so ultimately I think we are going to use neither the vanilla ESP32 nor the ESP8266 but go with a Heltec Cubecell for the Lorawan capability. Everything has come to a halt at the moment due to the plague though. Heltec documentation sucks balls and not in a good way.
tldr: esp8266 with DS18B20 for inside home use imho.
@7ven and @Stonehedge - how did your thermometers work out in the end?
(looking into wifi thermometers to be able to check the temperature in one indoor room and the shed)