I have no idea what local shop I'd go to for that unfortunately. We have all kinds of shops, including a greengrocer I buy fruit and veg from, I've never seen any of them carry flour to any non-negligible extent (I think the greengrocer has something like 400g bags of some very fancy special weird flour).
Er what? They should have plenty of flour. Obviously, the situation may be different in your area, perhaps it's Bread Thread Central, but as I say, there's certainly no shortage of flour up here (E5).
If in doubt where to go, just try them all one by one--perfect for a short, multi-stop bike trip. :)
@lynx maybe able to assist
All my local shops are stocked fine with flour. Have you tried yours?
Discover the joys of local shops over supermarkets and never look back.
Alternatively, go to the bread thread and blackmail someone there. Just not @dancing james. He has a chainsaw.