They can't weasel out of it too easily - It's still on the Gov website as a press release confirming it would be 100,000 carried out. Not gonna stop the twats from trying though.
At the time, that included antigen tests, but as none of these work yet, its going to have to be tests on those currently with symptoms. No chance by the looks of things.
The picture I get it is that most of the testing is done directly via interaction with the NHS - i.e. those admitted to hospitals or people who work in hospitals / care environment. This way just does not seem generate enough tests, as the "capacity" sits unused.
To hit 100,000 a day, I imagine they are going to have to start asking anyone with symptoms to get in their car and drive to one of these testing facilities. Is that what they are doing in other countries?
TBH, if people let them get away with spinning it and buy into it, then they are the ones that are worthy of scorn. The government has been utterly dire throughout all of this and the cost is in life. But theres nothing can be done for 4 1/2 years, is there?
Bit like Piers Morgan ripping into ministers - which is good, as its what needs to happen. But he'll still go and vote for them, won't he?
Once again this government starts on the gaslighting. Trying to sell the idea that 100,000 tests per week was referring to capacity, not to actual testing. Fuck. Them. All.